This post contains some functions of C++ in addition to its basic usage.
std::vector<type> vector = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; vector.size(); vector.push_back(); std::map<type, type> map = {{1, "Cat"}, {2, "Panda"}}; map.insert(std::pair<type, type>(key, value)); map.insert({key, value}); for (auto const& [key, value] : map) {} for (std::pair<, > : map) {} map.size() map.contains(check_key);; set.size() set.contains() set.erase() #include <fstream> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {} std::ifstream ifs{fileName}; ifs.good(); ifs.bad();; ifs.eof();
Last Updated on 1 year by Yichen Liu