This page contains all the objects, functions, methods, and their required input types that are included in the CS 124 course.
assert Boolean : String; instance instanceof Object instance -> Boolean try { } catch (Exception e) { //Exception = Exception, NumberFormatException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, etc. } throw new Exception(String); //Exception = IllegalArgumentException, etc.
basic objects and methods
System.out.println() java.util.Objects Objects.hash(model, odometer) Objects.toString(object) object.equals(object) object.hashCode() Integer.parseInt() Integer.MAX_VALUE Character.toString(char) Math Math.sqrt(double) -> double Math.pow(double, double) -> double array[] array.length String string.length() string.sort() string.IndexOf(int) string.charAt(int) string.toUpperCase() string.toLowerCase() string.split(String) string.contains(String) string.trim() string.endsWith(String) string.substring(int, int) string.toCharArray() java.util.Arrays Arrays.asList(array) -> List Arrays.fill(int, ) Arrays.toString(array) -> String Arrays.sort(array) copyOf(array, int) Arrays.copyOfRange(array, int, int) java.util.Date date.getTime() java.time.Instant -> Instant instant.plusSeconds(60) java.util.Random Random() -> Random random.nextLong(long) random.nextInt(int) random.nextFloat(float) random.nextDouble(double) random.nextBoolean() java.math.BigInteger BigInteger(String) -> BigInteger bigInteger.add(bigInteger) java.util.List java.util.ArrayList ArrayList<>() -> List<> list.get(int) list.set(int, ) list.add() list.remove(int) list.size() java.util.Map java.util.HashMap HashMap<>() -> Map<, > map.put() map.get() map.keySet() map.entrySet() -> Map.Entry<, > Map.Entry<, > entry.getKey() entry.getValue() java.util.Set java.util.HashSet HashSet<>() -> Set<> set.contains() set.add() copyO com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper ObjectMapper() -> ObjectMapper mapper.writeValueAsString(object) -> String mapper.readValue(String, Object.class) -> Object
Class and Interface copied from
class Person { String name; double age; Person(String setName, double setAge) { name = setName; age = setAge; } // Useful for really new people, like babies Person(String setName) { name = setName; age = 0.0; } } Person geoff = new Person("Geoff", 41.05); // Lily is my niece. Super cute. Probably not into Java yet. Person lily = new Person("Lily"); System.out.println(geoff.age); System.out.println(lily.age); // inheritance public class Pet { protected String name; public Pet(String setName) { name = setName; } public String getName() { return name; } } public class Dog extends Pet { private String breed; public Dog(String setName, String setBreed) { super(setName); breed = setBreed; } public String getBreed() { return breed; } @Override public String toString() { return "A dog named " + name + " is a " + breed; } } Dog chuchu = new Dog("Chuchu", "mutt"); // Interface interface Simple { int simple(int first); } public class Simpler implements Simple { public int simple(int first) { return first + 1; } public void simpler() { } } public class Another implements Simple { public int simple(int first) { return first - 1; } public void another() { } } Simple simple = new Simpler(); System.out.println(simple.simple(1)); simple = new Another(); System.out.println(simple.simple(1)); // Comparable // interface OurComparable { // int compareTo(Object other); // } public class Example implements Comparable { private int value; public Example(int setValue) { value = setValue; } @Override public String toString() { return "Example with value=" + value; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Example other = (Example) o; return value - other.value; } } Example example = new Example(8); Example second = new Example(10); Example third = new Example(10); System.out.println(second.compareTo(third)); // Iterable, Iterator import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; // Random int Iterable public class RandomIterable implements Iterable, Iterator { private final Random random = new Random(); private final int size; public RandomIterable(int setSize) { assert setSize > 0; size = setSize; } private int count; public Iterator iterator() { count = size; // because size is not initialized outside the function return this; } public boolean hasNext() { return count > 0; } public Object next() { count--; return random.nextInt() % 32; } } RandomIterable iterable = new RandomIterable(8); for (Object value : iterable) { System.out.println(value); } // Anonymous class //--------------- A typical class ---------------- public class Person { public String getRole() { return "Person"; } } // Person person = new Person(); // System.out.println("Normal class example 1: " + person.getRole()); public class Student extends Person { @Override public String getRole() { return "Student"; } } Person student1 = new Student(); System.out.println("Normal class example 2: " + student1.getRole()); //----------- Anonymous class example ------------ Person teacher = new Person() { @Override public String getRole() { return "Teacher"; } }; // Person janitor = new Person() { // @Override // public String getRole() { // return "Janitor"; // } // }; System.out.println("Anonymous class example 1: " + teacher.getRole()); //-------------- Anonymous class example (interface) --------- interface Hobby { String getHobby(); } Hobby tennis = new Hobby() { @Override public String getHobby() { return "tennis"; } }; System.out.println("Anonymous class interface example 1: " + tennis.getHobby()); /* Summary Declaring an anonymous class Person teacher = new Person() { ..... }; 1. new - "new" operator 2. Person - the interface or class you are implementing/ extending 3. () - if required: arguments for the constuctor in the paranthesis 4. {...} - body of the class definition within the braces 5. ; - semicolon since this is still an expression Uses 1. Single use cases 2. Instantiate interface Restrictions/ Limitations 1. Anonymous classes don't have a name 2. Can't provide constructor 3. Can only implement or extend a class one at a time */ // Lambda expression interface Modify { int modify(int value); } Modify first = (value) -> value + 1; System.out.println(first.modify(10)); // 11 // Amother Lambda expression interface IncludeValue { // Return true if the value should be counted boolean include(int value); } int countArray(int[] values, IncludeValue includeValue) { int count = 0; for (int value : values) { if (includeValue.include(value)) { count++; } } return count; } int[] array = {1, 2, 5, -1}; System.out.println(countArray(array, v -> v % 2 != 0)); System.out.println(countArray(array, v -> v >= 0)); System.out.println(countArray(array, v -> v % 3 == 0)); // Generic public class Example<E extends Comparable<E>> { private E value; public Example(E setValue) { value = setValue; } } Example<String> example = new Example<>("test"); // Stream import; public class Dog { private String name; private int age; public Dog(String setName, int setAge) { name = setName; age = setAge; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getAge() { return age; } } int totalAge = Stream.of(new Dog("Chuchu", 16), new Dog("Lulu", 4), new Dog("Shadow", 1)) .mapToInt(dog -> dog.getAge()) .sum(); System.out.println(totalAge); long count = Stream.of(1, 2, 5) .filter(e -> e % 2 != 0) .count(); System.out.println(count); String sum = Stream.of(1, 2, 5) .map(e -> "" + e) .reduce("", (a, b) -> { return a + b; }); System.out.println(sum);
Last Updated on 1 year by Yichen Liu